Making Peace with Yourself:
Parts-work as a Spiritual Practice
If you have ever struggled with feeling like you are at war with yourself, this is the course for you.
Many people find that they treat themselves in ways that they would never treat another person. They are hypercritical of themselves, invalidating, and unable to consistently treat themselves with compassion and kindness. If this sounds familiar, this course is for you.
You will learn to identify your inner parts, then build self-compassion and inner harmony.
Fans of inner-child work and IFS will likely enjoy this fresh take on Parts-work.
This Course is limited in size to ensure a personal approach. Register now to reserve your spot.
Class Dates & Time:
Thursdays- 6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 6/27 (skip 7/4), 7/11, 7/18. Daytime 12pm EST
Note: This Course will include some universal spiritual practices such as meditation, setting intentions and working with energy. These practices will not include specific religious context unless an individual participant requests it. All spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof) are welcome.
Important Note About Payment:
This course includes six live classes, hands-on exercises, meditations, and printable materials. We believe that it is an exceptional value at $200. However, our core values include accessibility, and we understand that some people cannot afford that amount, so we offer a self-selecting sliding scale. You may choose the amount that works for you. Those who pay more help us support those who cannot afford the full cost.