Theama Mystery School

What It Is

Theama Mystery School is a modern adaptation of a traditional Mystery School.

Many traditional Mystery Schools were highly secretive because they believed that esoteric knowledge was dangerous to the uninitiated.

This has proven not to be true. Instead it is as Jesus said “those who have ears to hear will hear”.

Esoteric, Mystical, and Metaphysical truths have been easily accessible for many years and have done very little harm because they cannot be truly understood intellectually. They must be understood experientially and that kind of understanding requires years of practice, self-examination and humility. As you can imagine, that kind of work does not appeal to the masses. 

Theama Mystery school combines Christian Mystical practices including Mystical communion, meditation, and devotional practices with updated Western Esoteric practices and knowledge.

Advanced practice students learn Hermetic Qabalah, Tarot, and Alchemy. These topics are often the most intriguing but we have found, (through a great deal of experience teaching and learning) that the most important teachings and the most challenging lessons are the simplest ones.

How It Works

The Theama Mystery School is a holistic and compressive training that takes many years to fully grasp and more than one lifetime to master. So, if you are primarily interested in the esoteric information and ideas, we recommend signing up for the correspondence courses of B.O.T.A or others like it. They have excellent resources, many of the same teachings and materials and do not require the level of time and consistent engagement as our Mystery School. 

We have several open-access introductory courses for those who want to explore our teachings and begin or expand their mystical practice.

Once a person has completed the introduction courses they can request initiation and apply to become a Spiritual Apprentice. Spiritual Apprentices commit to daily practices, receive direct one-on-one Spiritual direction and counseling, and are given access to further initiation and eventually the possibility of Ordination. 

Journey Into Christian Mysticism

"Theologians may quarrel, but the Mystics of the world speak the same language."

-Meister Eckhart


Mysticism has many forms and flavors but at its core, it is the spiritual pursuit of love-union with the Divine. 

The Mystical forms of every religion focus on experiential knowledge of God (or the essence of all that is in non-deistic religions) rather than adherence to religious dogma. 

Mystics are those who commit their lives to develop a direct experience of God and seek love-union with the Divine within themselves.

Journey Into Christian Mysticism is a wonderful way to begin to explore Christian Mysticism. It is comprised of three Courses: Shadow and Light, The Mystical Path, and Reimagining Christianity.

Shadow & Light

Shadow and Light will explore the heart of Mystical Christianity through teachings and practices. Participants will be invited to not only learn about this beautiful and boundless tradition but to develop their own Mystical practices of meditation and contemplation.

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The Mystical Path

In this Series we uncover three core aspects of modern Mysticism including the experiential love-relationship with the Divine, a lack of dogmatism, and a unitive goal. Come explore with us.  

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Reimagining Christianity

In this Course we are taking a fresh approach to Christian Mysticism. We will explore the Seven Core Tenets of a Humanistic Mystical Philosophy. 

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Answers to Common Questions

If you have any questions or would like more information about Theama's Mystery School, please reach out to us.

