Theama Institute Classes

Find your true self

Life School Classes and Seminars

Whole-Self Thriving!

The Whole-Self Thriving Series consists of three consecutive courses.  It is a deep dive into lovingly transforming the stuck emotional patterns that cause you unhappiness.   

Whole-Self Thriving: Get Unstuck (Course 1 of 3): Starts April 25th

Whole-Self Thriving: Making Peace with Yourself (Course 2 of 3): Starts June 6th

Whole-Self Thriving: Inner Harmony (Course 3 of 3): Starts September 13, 2024

**Each course can be taken independently.  You do not need to have taken a previous course to register.

New dates coming soon! Subscribe HERE to get the latest information about Classes and Upcoming Events.

Whole-Self Thriving Series: Course 1

Learn how to change the ways you cope and free yourself from bad emotional habits.

If you have ever felt stuck repeating emotional patterns and behaviors that cause you unhappiness, this course is for you. 

Our body’s natural responses to crises can create deeply seated emotional patterns that make us feel trapped in unhealthy reactions to stress. In this course you will learn how to recognize and change the way your body and mind react to stress by identifying the core values and needs that underlie those reactions. 

This course includes a cutting-edge model of the relationship between the sympathetic nervous system and emotional coping strategies created by Dr. Lucille Isadora Tures. This model is exclusively used in the course taught through Theama Institute. These courses are designed to be accessible to beginners however, due to the novel approach to the topic those with an in-depth understanding of trauma theory, polyvagal theory, non-violent communication, internal family system etc. may also benefit from this material.

This Class has already begun, sign up to get notified of new offerings. Sign Up

Whole-Self Thriving Series: Course 3

Learn how to build a better relationship with yourself.

Many people find that they treat themselves in ways that they would never treat another person. They are hypercritical of themselves, invalidating, and unable to consistently treat themselves with compassion and kindness. If this sounds familiar, this course is for you.

You will learn to identify your inner parts, then build self-compassion and inner harmony.

Fans of inner-child work and IFS will likely enjoy this fresh take on Parts-work. 

Day/Time:  Fridays 10am EST
Date: September 13, 20, 27, Oct 4, 11


This is the third Course of the Whole-Self Thriving Series.


Mystery School Offerings

Journey Into Christian Mysticism:

Course 1- Shadow & Light

Mystics are those who commit their lives to develop a direct experience of God and seek love-union with the Divine within themselves. This course will explore the heart of Mystical Christianity through teachings and practices. Participants will be invited to not only learn about this beautiful and boundless tradition but to develop their own mystical practices of meditation and contemplation.

Mysticism has been described as the beating heart of every religion. The central goal of Christian Mysticism is to submerge oneself in the ocean of divine love and discover that we each have the capacity to develop Christ-Consciousness.

This course will cover topics including:

  • Christian Mystical meditation
  • Contemplative prayer
  • Healing and wholeness
  • Mysticism and the Bible
  • Spiritual Community

Available Class Dates and Times:

Day/Time: Thursdays at 12pm MST

Dates:  Aug 15th-Sept 19th 

About Your Teacher:  Margaret Kaems is a minister, teacher, and student at the Theama Institute.  She formally began her spiritual training in 2009 through another organization and served as a minister and later a priest until 2013, when she felt guided to step away, only to return to formal spiritual apprenticeship in 2021 at Theama.  Her calling to teach others in a minister role comes from her desire to help others to heal and deepen in their spirituality in the ways that she has experienced in her own personal journey.  Tabitha has also been a psychotherapist for over 20 years and enjoys teaching and participating in Nia dance classes.  She lives in the Denver area with her life partner, 4 year old son, and 14 year old step-daughter.

We also have an independent, self-guided version of this course.  Watch this video for more information:

Register HERE for the Self Led Podcast Style course.

Register Now

Journey Into Christian Mysticism:

Course 2 - The Mystical Path

Mysticism is a living, breathing tradition based on personal experience of the Divine. It has taken thousands of forms over thousands of years. It cannot, therefore, be easily pinned down or defined in absolute terms. In this class series we uncover three core aspects of modern mysticism including the experiential love-relationship with the Divine, a lack of dogmatism, and a unitive goal. Come explore with us!

Available Class Dates and Times:

Dates: Sept 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct 1, 8
Day/Time: Tuesdays, 6:30pm Central Time
About Your Teacher:  Chloe Wyatt is a Life-vowed Minister at Theama Institute.  Following an inner knowing that there was more to this life than what society presented to her, Chloe has been actively seeking purpose and meaning through spirituality since 2008.  In that time, she became clearer about her passion for serving others, which led to ministry and completing her doctorate in clinical psychology.  Theama Institute has and continues to provide her with an endless well of nourishment in recognizing God and goodness in all things, deep connection and life-giving relationships with others, and personal empowerment.  She lives on 20 acres in northern Minnesota with her partner where they are learning and practicing being good land stewards. 
Register for "The Mystical Path"

Seed of Life

Embark on a transformative journey into the depths of Christian Mysticism and Western Esotericism with our comprehensive two-year program. Guided by experienced instructors who bring personal insight and expertise to each session, you will delve into the Mystical teachings and practices that have shaped spiritual traditions for centuries. 

Structured into five-week series called "circles," each segment of the program focuses on an essential aspect of Christian Mysticism and Esotericism, offering you the opportunity to explore what’s most vital to you in a community specifically cultivated for warmth and authenticity. These circles are a unique blend of experiential learning and philosophical exploration. Through guided Mystical contemplation of wisdom texts, you will undoubtedly unlock profound insights and deepen your connection to yourself, others and the Divine.

A distinctive feature of this program is the hands-on healing practice that you will engage in three times during each five-week circle. This practical component integrates the teachings into actual personal experience, allowing you to apply newfound knowledge in a tangible way.

You have the flexibility to register for each Circle independently according to your schedule and interests. Additionally, you can begin the program at any point in the year, offering the convenience of joining at a time that aligns best with your journey of spiritual growth and exploration.

By the end of the program, you will feel connected to the patterns of Love embedded into your life and creation at large. Join us on this transformative journey and awaken to living the profound mysteries of Christian Mysticism and Esotericism.
Prerequisite: Journey into Christian Mysticism: Shadow and Light

*Enrollment is limited, reserve your place today to embark on this enlightening path of self-discovery and spiritual growth.*

Current Seed of Life: Season 3, Circle 2

This 5-week series includes three Seed Of Life lessons and two Mystical Bible contemplations.

Students in these courses will experience an expansion of consciousness that will not only deepen their Spiritual lives but will empower them to consciously co-create their daily lives and thereby bring peace, joy and clarity to their work, families and relationships.

Seed of Life Season 3, Circle 2: Prayer

  1. Lesson and Blessing group: Devotion

  2. Bible Contemplation 

  3. Lesson and Blessing Group: Manifestation

  4. Bible Contemplation

  5. Lesson and Blessing Group: Service

This class is right for you if you have completed the “Meditation and Metaphysics” class series and you are seeking a deeper understanding of the Spiritual world so that you can create the life you want. There are no religious requirements and all seekers are welcome. 


Eastern Time Class taught by Beatrice Ireland 

Dates: Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25, Aug 8, 15 

Time: 7:30 PM Eastern Time



Pacific Time Class taught by Francis Muller

Dates: Thursdays, July 11, 18, 25, Aug 8, 15 

Time: 5:00 PM Pacific Time



About the Current Circles teachers Beatrice and Francis.

Beatrice Ireland is a life-vowed minister, teacher and student of the Theama Institute. From her experience within a healthy and vital spiritual community, she considers herself both student and teacher.  Beatrice has been a minister for over 20 years with the last 6 years as a life-vowed minister within Theama where she’s served in various roles sharing her love and compassion for and with others.  Her background includes working in the medical field as a clinical health educator on the regional and state levels. She also earned a Masters in Humanities followed by attendance in seminary training in order to become a board certified chaplain where she served as a hospice chaplain for 12 years. She has a passion for world religions, especially different mystical traditions. She is now retired living with her husband and cat Polly regenerating 8 acres of forested land through reforestation in Virginia.

Frances Muller is a minister at Theama Institute. She has been intentionally engaged in seeking to grow spiritually for over 15 years while working as a global health researcher in Seattle, Washington and raising two children, now grown. She was drawn by the realness and depth of the various spiritual practices and teachings, and the supportive community at the Theama Institute that have opened her to something she intuitively recognized and longed for. In addition to her interest in spiritual growth and service, she cares about: the effective use of natural (including human) resources with minimal waste, neglected areas of women's health, and connecting with people from diverse cultures and perspectives.

Note About Seed of Life Classes

These are the Level 1 Seasons- they are open only to those who have completed the prerequisites.

Prerequisites: Shadow and Light or Meditation and Metaphysics 

If you would like more information please contact [email protected]